St. Joseph School
10 School Hill Rd., Baltic, CT 06330
Faith, Family and Tradition
Accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges
Pastor- Father Joseph Tito- saintjosephschool@att.net
Superintendent/Principal- Dr. Gail Kingston- gkingston@stjosephschoolbaltic.com
Assistant Principal/Science 5-8-Sister Mary Loreto, SCMC- slbeckstein@stjosephschoolbaltic.com
Kindergarten- Mrs. Julia Scarsciotti - jscarsciotti@stjosephschoolbaltic.com
Grades 1 7 2- Mrs. Kimberly Cofone-kcofone@stjosephschoolbaltic.com
Asst. Grades 1 & 2- Mrs. Carol Harkness- charkness@st.josephschoolbaltic.com
Grade 3- Mrs. Tammy Lamb- tlamb@stjosephschoolbaltic.com
Grade 4- Mrs. Alison Goldstein- agoldstein@stjosephschoolbaltic.com
History 5-8/ Religion 6 & 7- Sister Mary Michele, SCMC- smichele@stjosephschoolbaltic.com
English and Literature 5-8/Religion 8- Ms. Ellisha Gray- egray@stjosephschoolbaltic.com
Math 5-8/Religion 5- Mrs. Sarah Lussier- slussier@stjosephschoolbaltic.com
PE- Mr. Glenn Costello- gcostello@stjosephschoolbaltic.com
Nurse- Ms. Shirley Lafond- slafond@spraguek12.org
Art- Mrs. Kaitlin Cassidy- Kcassidy@stjosephschoolbaltic.com
Secretary/ Child Advocate- Mrs. Elizabeth Dunnack-secretary@stjosephschoolbaltic.com
In-house Sub- Sister Mary Agnes, SCMC
Tutor- Mrs. Marie Gaucher- Mgaucher@stjosephschoolbaltic.com
Extended Day- Mrs. Alicia Smith
Extended Day- Ms. Therese Feeney
Extended DaMrs. Gina Potvin- gina.potvin@yahoo.com
Custodian- Mr. Jarrod Begin
Facilities Manager- Mr. Thomas O'Callaghan
IT- Mr. Gerry Massad
Cross Country- Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Smith
Cross Country- Daniel Fitzgerald
Drama- Ms. Debra Pratt