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Saint Mary (Immaculate Conception) Church


70 West Main St.

Baltic, CT 06330

(860) 822-6378


Father Joseph Tito, Pastor

Father Christopher Zmuda, Parochial Vicar


Holy Week-

Confessions 11 am - noon and after Holy Thursday Mass and Good Friday services

Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord's Supper- 7 pm

Good Friday Service- 3 pm

Holy Saturday (Easter Vigil)- 8 pm

Easter- 8 am and 10 am



Sunday Vigil Mass: Saturday at 5 pm

Sunday- 8 am and 10 am


Eucharistic Adoration- Every Tuesday 9 am to 2 pm


Sacrament of Penance- Saturday 4 to 4:30 pm and Monday 6:30 pm (DECEMBER 24TH, 11 AM-NOON)


Miraculous Medal Novena- Monday 7 pm


CCD Classes- Sunday 9 - 9:50 am


St. Joseph Prayer Group- 2nd and 4th Tuesdays each month at St. Joseph (basement), Occum at 7 pm


Young Adult Study Group


St. Mary Church has organized a young adult study group using Fr. John Hardon's Advanced Catholic Catechism Course as our text. We meet on Sundays at 3 pm via Zoom. For more information, please call Fr. Tito at 860-822-6378.



Extended Hours of Adoration


St. Mary's will be celebrating the Eucharistic Revival by extending our hours of adoration on Tuesdays. Beginning Tuesday, July 26th, the Feast of St. Anne, the hours for adoration at St. Mary's will be 8:30 am through 8 pm. A sign-up sheet may be found in the vestibule.


St. Catherine of Genoa said that any time spent before the Eucharistic presence, be it long or short, is the best-spent time of our lives. 



Young Adult Study Group, Youth Group and FORMED left column


A Prayer for Humility


O Jesus, meek and humble of heart, cure me of my pride, make my heart humble, infuse a little of Your profound humility into my soul. Since You know me better than I know myself, how could I, with my proud will, make my heart humble? A poor man cannot give wealth to himself, nor can a proud man give humility to his heart. Only Your infinite goodness can heal pride.


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4. Find St Mary's Immaculate Conception by parish name, address, or zip code (06330)

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